Atlanta, Then and Now (1871 to 2011) A pretty standard comparison showing how much has changed. This one attracts me in particular because I spent so much time in downtown Atlanta this summer. The above photograph is actually of the building I worked in (the building in the bottom left). I love looking at this stuff, particularly images of old and new juxtaposed with each other. Sites like Dear Photograph and Historypin are treasure troves for this type of thing. (via Atlantic Cities)
The Limits of Preservation An interesting look at how landmines and other remnant munitions from the wars of the 1990s have protected natural areas in Bosnia. “The project closes with a particularly dark observation: ‘I see the idea of hand-placed landmines protecting the natural setting and allowing the environment to regenerate itself as an ironic twist on our inability to conserve and see into the future.’” (via bldgblog)
Can You Afford NOT to Use Your Bicycle for Commuting? “According to Harvard University professor of medicine, John J. Ratey. The average activity level of people in the industrialized part of the world is 38% of what our body and mind, was developed for. Even if you do the weekly 3-4 hours most governmental health organisations tend to advocate, you do not exceed 50% of what you were born to.” (via Copenhagenize)
The Marines Go Renewable “Normally, a patrol carries enough batteries to last three or four days—20 to 35 pounds for each grunt—and is dependent on frequent and dangerous resupplies. But with the packable solar panels, says Patterson, his patrol of 35 soldiers shed 700 pounds. “We stayed out for three weeks and didn’t need a battery resupply once,” he says.” If the Marines can’t convince the doubters to go solar, I’m not sure what will. (via Outside)