

Turns out you CAN open a beer with a chainsaw. Not going to try this.

Crazy Russian kids playing on a crane. If you have a problem with heights, I probably wouldn’t watch.

The story of Willie Mays Aikens, a Kansas City Royals baseball player who sent his career down the tubes with crack, spent a long time in jail, and is now redeeming himself.

Derek Webb’s new project, SOLA-MI. Looks interesting. More interesting is the puzzle he built for fans to find out clues about the project. He’s been doing this for the last few releases, but the depth and nerdery of this one is really exceptional.

How Toy Story 2 nearly got deleted. Thanks to telecommuting and babies, it did not.

And finally, an RSA Animate talk by Manuel Lima about the importance of networks. Pretty fascinating overall, but the main point I took from it was towards the end, when he starts talking about universal structure and network thinking, or knowing a little about a lot” so you can connect disparate dots. You know who are trained to do exactly that? Landscape architects. We are the future, brothers and sisters, if only we seize it.


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